The R User Conference 2009
July 8-10, Agrocampus-Ouest, Rennes, France



Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes Centre for Higher Education and Research in Agronomy and food industry


Rennes 2 University


R Foundation for Statistical Computing R Logo
Rennes Metropole
Rennes townENSBrittany


About the Conference
Date & Location
Important Dates
Call for Papers : Submission is closed
Download: Logo, Flyer, Poster


Conference program
Download (pdf): Booklet and Book of abstracts
Invited Lectures
Presentations (including slides)
Program Committee
Social Program
Registration is closed

Photos are available


About Rennes
Travel information + maps

About the Conference

useR! 2009, the R user conference, will take place at Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, (65 rue de Saint Brieuc) France from 2009-07-08 to 2009-07-10. Pre-conference tutorials will take place on July 7.
The conference is organized by Agrocampus Ouest and the Rennes 2 University and it is funded by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

Following the successful useR! 2004, useR! 2006useR! 2007,  and user! 2008 conferences, the conference is focused on:

  1. R as the `lingua franca' of data analysis and statistical computing,
  2. providing a platform for R users to discuss and exchange ideas how R can be used to do statistical computations, data analysis, visualization and exciting applications in various fields,
  3. giving an overview of the new features of the rapidly evolving R project.

As for the predecessor conference, the program consists of two parts:

  1. invited lectures discussing new R developments and exciting applications of R,
  2. user-contributed presentations reflecting the wide range of fields in which R is used to analyze data.

A major goal of the useR! conference is to bring users from various fields together and provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas: both in the formal framework of presentations as well as in the informal part of the conference in Rennes.

Prior to the conference, on 2009-07-07, there are tutorials offered at the conference site. Each tutorial has a length of 3 hours and takes place either in the morning or afternoon.

Speakers will include:

John STOREY, Martin THEUS.

Program committee: 

BATES Douglas, CAREY Vincent, CHARPENTIER Arthur,  CORNILLON Pierre-AndreDE LEEUW Jan,  DIAZ-URIARTE Ramon, FERREIRA Marco A. R., HENGARTNER Nicolas, HOTHORN TorstenHUSSON François,  LEISCH Friedrich,  PETZOLDT Thomas, Ching-Fan Sheu, WEHRENS Ron,  ZEILEIS Achim.          

Organizing Team:

GENOLINI Christophe, HUSSON François, JOSSE Julie, LE sébastien, MATZNER-LOBER Eric, CAUSEUR David, KLOAREG Maela, LEGRAND Aline, PAGES Jérôme, BERNARDEAU  Alain,  BOURDEAU Anne, LENAULD Elisabeth. 

Registration (later registration: 2009-06-19)

Call for Papers: Submission is closed !

We invite all R users to submit abstracts (from the 21th october) presenting innovations or exciting applications of R on topics such as:

  • Applied Statistics & Biostatistics
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Chemometrics and Computational Physics
  • Data Mining
  • Econometrics & Finance
  • Environmetrics & Ecological Modeling
  • High Performance Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Marketing & Business Analytics
  • Psychometrics
  • Robust Statistics
  • Sensometrics
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Statistics in the Social and Political Sciences
  • Teaching
  • Visualization & Graphics
  • and many more.
To submit an abstract, use the following gabarit.tex or gabarit.doc  and then submit it in .pdf (1 page only) format using the abstract submission interface.
A poster session will be proposed during the conference with time to discuss about the poster. We encourage participants to submit attractive poster. To do so, send directly the poster you will propose or an abstract of your poster (the poster could be in a pdf or powerpoint file, as a picture of your poster) using the submission interface. The poster format will be A0.

The abstracts will be available in an online collection in a single pdf file.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 2009-02-27.

Timeline of the Conference

The scientific program of the conference will start Wednesday, July 8, morning and end Friday, July 10, in the afternoon. The program of the conference is available!
The social program will consist of a reception in the city hall on Wednesday, July 8, a conference dinner on Thursday, July 9 and after the meeting a walk in St Malo or Mt st Michel will be proposed.
Prior to the conference, on Tuesday, July 7, several half-day tutorials will be held.

The week previous to the useR! 2009 conference, the Rmetrics workshop will take place in Switzerland.
The week after the useR! 2009 conference, the DSC 2009 meeting (a meeting on the future of statistical computing) will take place in Copenhagen.


National Science Foundation support may be available to support travel and accommodation for graduate students and junior faculty at U.S. post-secondary institutions to attend the UseR 2009! and/or DSC 2009 meetings. The allocation will be based on merit and need; women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.  NSF regulations require the use of US carriers when at all possible.

If you wish to apply for this financial support, please send an application to Luke Tierney ([email protected]) by April 15, 2009. Include a brief CV, a copy of your abstract if you have submitted a paper or a poster, and a statement that demonstrates your eligibility, your need for support, and an amount of support required. Students should include a letter of support from their supervisor.


Rennes will be very busy at the conference time because "Les tombées de la nuit"  (a cultural event: music, theatre in the street ) will take place at the same time, so we recommend to book as soon as possible. Here a page with a list of hotels and rooms available on the campus.

Information: you could obtain a rebate by this way

Hotels Combined is a leading price comparison system used by over 25 million people every year. We aggregate and compare accommodation options from all major sources such as,, and many more.  We are a research tool helping users find the best priced accommodation option. If required, the reservation is made directly on the compared websites (,, Priceline etc..)

About Rennes

More information about Rennes can be found here and more information about the Region can be found here

A list of restaurants is available!

How to get to the conference

Information on: how to get to the city and the conference site (air france flights price reduction)

conference site

Date & Location

July 08-10, 2009

Agrocampus : Higher Education and Research in Agronomy
Agrocampus Ouest
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc - CS 84215 - 35042 RENNES Cedex 

Important Dates

2008-10-21 open submission of abstracts

2008-10-31 tutorial submission deadline

2008-11-04 open registration
early registration deadline
submission deadline of abstracts
Before 2009-04-25
notification of acceptance
regular registration deadline
registration deadline
(later registration possible on site)
conference start
conference end

Please contact the organizing committee at useR-2009 at for further information.