
Austrian Association for Statistical Computing


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useR! 2004 - The R User Conference

About the Conference

The first international conference 'useR! 2004' will take place at the Technische Universität Wien in Vienna, Austria from 2004-05-20 to 2004-05-22.
It is organized by the Austrian Association for Statistical Computing (AASC) and funded by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing and the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF).
The chairs are Torsten Hothorn (conference), Achim Zeileis (program committee), David Meyer (local organizing committee).

This R user conference will

Keynote Lectures
A huge amount of exciting features and innovations came up in the last releases of R. How these features can be used efficiently will be presented in the following keynote lectures given by R core team members:

R Key Features & Innovations

  • grid Graphics and Programming, by Paul Murrell
  • Namespaces & Byte Compilation, by Luke Tierney
  • S4 Classes and Methods, by Friedrich Leisch

Users Become Developers

  • Good Programming Practice, by Martin Mächler
  • Language Interfaces (.Call & .External), by Peter Dalgaard
  • Packaging, Documentation, Testing, by Kurt Hornik

Topics of Current Interest

  • Datamining: Large Databases and Methods, by Brian D. Ripley
  • Multilevel Models in R: Present & Future, by Douglas Bates

Since every user is a developer in S-like systems, the topics of the keynote lectures cover the range from introductory to advanced programming issues.

User-contributed Presentations
A major goal of the useR! conference is to bring users from various fields together and provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas: both in the official presentations as well as in Vienna's wine and beer pubs, cafes and restaurants.
The formal part of the conference will consist of both oral and poster user-contributed presentations reflecting the wide range of fields in which R is used to analyze data such as

Date & Location

May 20-22, 2004
Vienna University of Technology
Keynote lectures / useR! world sessions: Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien
useR! island sessions: Main Building, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien

Conference chair: Torsten Hothorn
Chair Program Committee: Achim Zeileis
Chair Local Organizing Committee: David Meyer
Program committee: Axel Benner, Roger Bivand, Dirk Eddelbuettel, John Fox, Kurt Hornik, Stefano Iacus, Steffen Lilholt Lauritzen, Friedrich Leisch, Uwe Ligges, Martyn Plummer, Martin Theus
Local organization: Bettina Grün

Call for Papers

We invite all R users to submit abstracts on topics presenting innovations or exciting applications of R.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 2004-02-15. We recommend a length of about one page in pdf format.
The program committee decides about oral or poster presentation. Notification about the presentation format (oral vs. poster) will be sent before 2004-03-15.
There is also an extended submission deadline of abstracts up to 2004-04-15. But these abstracts will only be considered for poster presentations.

There will be no proceedings volume, but the abstracts will be available in an online collection linked from the conference program.

Please use the online form for submission! (expired)

Important Dates


We prebooked a number of rooms in several hotels near to the conference site at special conference rates. Booking service is provided by `Nethotels' using the links below:

NOTE: using these links you will get a preselected list of hotels near to the conference site with prebooked rooms. Do not activate any option, just use the `search for available rooms' or the `hotel list' button at the end of the form.

Vienna is very busy at the conference time, so we recommend to book as soon as possible.

General information about hotels and accommodation can be found on

About Vienna

Vienna is one of the premier destinations for city tourism.
We have linked a list of restaurants close to the conference location, as well as a list of some cultural events.
Click here for a weatherforecast for Vienna.

How to get from the airport to the city

From Vienna International Airport there is a shuttle transfer to the City Air Terminal at "Landstraße (Wien Mitte)". From there it is just two stops with the underground line U4 (direction "Hütteldorf") to the Karlsplatz, where the University of Technology is situated. Click here to see an underground map and a map of the area around the Karlsplatz with several hotels marked.

Please contact the organizing committee at [email protected] for further information.

[email protected]