Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
[email protected]
The motivation for this RFC is that currently the R graphics engine stores colors as RGB tristimulus values, but without any mention about which RGB colorspace that is. In particular, there is no assumption about the chromaticities of the RGB primaries and there is no assumption about the whitepoint. There is some notion of gamma, but it is, at best, a little confused. Currently, an R color object is completely ambiguous.
If we select sRGB as the colorspace for the graphics engine, it comes with specific chromaticities for the RGB primaries, a specific white point, and a specific gamma correction. This would mean that R color objects would have a clear meaning. Because sRGB is an industry standard, R color objects would also have a useful meaning because they would be set up to "just work" on most modern computer screens (within the bounds of what is necessary for statistical graphics; we're not aiming for desktop publishing or photographic manipulation standards).
Having sRGB as the graphics engine colorspace would also make it easier to write code for working with colors, such as the 'colorspace' package, because the target, R color objects, would be well-defined.
No changes need to be made to most of the C code (except maybe some comments need adding :). sRGB colors can be stored using the existing 24-bit structure; only the meaning of these values is altered (basically, from meaningless to meaningful).
The alpha channel is orthogonal to the colorspace, so is not affected. (Though if anyone ever wanted to play with something like alpha-compositing, I believe the non-linear sRGB values would have to be linearized (reverse the gamma correction) before doing the compositing. The 'colorspace' package offers some hope there.)
There is code in colors.c that supports the hcl() function, but this is already designed for sRGB (it uses the sRGB primaries, white point, and gamma).
The rgb() function requires no change, BUT it would need to be acknowledged that the R, G, B values would be interpreted as sRGB values.
The hsv() function needs a bit of work. An HSV colorspace is a "relative" colorspace - it is a conversion of a particular RGB colorspace. If R's colors are sRGB, then the HSV colors produced by hsv() are relative to sRGB. This means that the current 'gamma' argument to hsv() is NOT needed and should be deprecated. (Ditto for rgb2hsv() and rainbow().) See some tests below that demonstrate the new behaviour.
There is a function covertColor() to convert between colorspaces. This is basically independent of R's colours so can remain unchanged. Colour values created in the "sRGB" colorspace with this function can be used directly as input to rgb().
There are two issues for devices:
Off-screen (file) devices will want to record that colors are being specified in the sRGB colorspace; this will help in viewing and printing the output.
postscript() already has a 'colormodel' argument that allows RGB, greyscale, or CMYK (trivial conversion from RGB). These color models were applied by using PostScript operators setrgbcolor, setcmykcolor, and setgray. The RGB colormodel is now interpreted as sRGB, applied using setcolor and setcolorspace (see the PostScript Language Reference Manual, third edition, p. 225).
The PDF device also has the 'colormodel' and RGB is now sRGB via CS/cs (ColorSpace) and SCN/scn (SetColor) operators (see pp. 256-257 of the PDF Reference, seventh edition). This device makes use of an ASCIIHexDecode version of srgb.icc (from the ghostscript sources), which is installed in $R_HOME/library/grDevices/icc/.
Screen devices also have to adjust how they handle gamma correction.
sRGB assumes a very specific gamma correction, which means that the device will not have to do anything about gamma correction if the device conforms to the sRGB specification and, for devices that do not conform, the sRGB spec provides precise information that should be enough for the device code to adjust R color objects to the specifications of the device.
The Quartz device uses CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB) and CGColorCreate() and CGContextSet[Fill|Stroke]ColorWithColor() to set colours using sRGB. (Used to use CGContextSetRGB[Fill|Stroke]Color() which was a "generic RGB colorspace".)
The x11() and windows() device both have a 'gamma' parameter (internally, X11 splits this into separate RedGamma, BlueGamma, and GreenGamma, but all three key off the one 'gamma' anyway). This gamma is applied as a simple power exponent to RGB colour components.
The default value for 'gamma' in both case is 1 (no gamma-correction) AND these gammas have always been fudge factors because there has never been any notion of RGB primaries (or a whitepoint).
These 'gamma' parameters have been left as fudge factors (defaulting to 1). The RGB values sent to the device are sRGB and that should be about right for most monitors. If things don't look right on your monitor, you can play with 'gamma' as a crude extra gamma-correction fudge. If you want to play around with fancier colour transformations, use something like convertColor() or the 'colorspace' package. If exact colour reproduction is your bag, maybe R isn't for you.
Third-party drivers would need to be looked at. I suspect that currently they do nothing about gamma, which would, without any code changes, become probably the correct thing to do (at least as a default).
The 'colorspace' package:
The existing "RGB" colorspace is a linearized sRGB (no gamma-correction).
A new "sRGB" colorspace has been added. The hex() function now converts to "sRGB" before converting to hexadecimal.
All 'gamma' parameters are deprecated because "sRGB" has an implicit gamma (and "RGB" is a linearized version of "sRGB").
The "HSV" and "HSL" colorspaces are now strictly relative to one of "RGB" or "sRGB". It is only possible to convert from and to "HSV" and "HSL" from or to one of "RGB" or "sRGB". Other colorspaces can then be reached from "RGB" or "sRGB".
See some tests below that demonstrate the new behaviour.
TODO: The hex() function should have an alpha argument to allow semitransparency.
The diagram below illustrates what the relationships between the
different colorspaces would look like following these changes.
The 'dichromat' package.
Based on a look at the code, plus the Vienot et al. (1999) article it is based on, moving to sRGB just puts this package on a firmer foundation.
The package interpolates (via loess smooth) deuteranope and protanope colors based on a fixed set of normal-to-color-blind mappings (as provided in the Vienot at al article). The important point seems to be that the mappings in the article made asumptions about display screen primaries, white point and gamma that correspond pretty closely to sRGB (see paragraph 3 on page 244 of the article). This suggests that it is very appropriate to send sRGB triplets into 'dichromat' from R and to interpret triplets fed back to R by 'dichromat' as sRGB triplets, which is what will now be the case.
One detail to worry about is whether values being passed back-and-forth are gamma-corrected. The values in the crucial table of mappings in the Vienot et al article are uncorrected (see "step 1" on page 245 of the article, which performs the (crude) gamma correction; and "step 7" on page 248, which performs the inverse). This means that the interpolations in 'dichromat' are occurring on uncorrected values, so values returned by 'dichromat' are uncorrected and that the 'dichromat' code is interpreting incoming values as uncorrected.
An overall issue is where to put the code that does conversions between colorspaces. Currently at least some transformations exist in each of the following places:
Graphics devices may need to do these conversions so it make most sense to have it in C code within (the graphics engine of) the base system. The main disadvantage of that would be that it would not be easy for anyone outside R core to extend the code to new colorspaces (which IS currently possible via the R-level interface associated with convertColor()).
The following code demonstrates some problems with the old setup (R < 2.13.0 and 'colorspace' < 1.1-0):
library(colorspace) # VERY different colors (because hsv() is not gamma-correcting) # [hex(..., gamma=2.4) because of bug in colorspace (see below)] plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hsv(0, .5, .5), hex(HSV(0, .5, .5), gamma=2.4))) # MUCH better given correct gamma # (colors still not identical because hex() uses the # exact sRGB gamma correction formula) plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hsv(0, .5, .5, gamma=1/2.2), hex(HSV(0, .5, .5), gamma=2.4))) # hcl() gets exactly the same answer as colorspace's HSV() # > as(HSV(0, .5, .5), "polarLUV") # L C H # [1,] 61.92659 33.32213 12.18075 plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hcl(12.18075, 33.32213, 61.92659), hex(HSV(0, .5, .5), gamma=2.4)))
Here is a similar set of checks with the new setup (R >= 2.13.0 and 'colorspace' >= 1.1-0):
library(colorspace) # hsv() is now relative to sRGB # hex() produces sRGB # NOTE: hex() converts "HSV" to "sRGB" by default # So the following give the same answer plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hsv(0, .5, .5), hex(HSV(0, .5, .5)))) # This replicates the "lighter" hsv() colours from the old set up # The main point is to convert "HSV" to "RGB" instead of "sRGB" # (then can convert to "sRGB" and then back to "HSV", the final # value now being relative to "sRGB") # > as(as(as(HSV(0, .5, .5), "RGB"), "sRGB"), "HSV") # H S V # [1,] 360 0.2696082 0.735357 plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hsv(1, 0.2696082, 0.735357), hex(as(HSV(0, .5, .5), "RGB")))) # hcl() and polarLUV() should match up # > as(as(HSV(0, .5, .5), "sRGB"), "polarLUV") # L C H # [1,] 35.11828 44.78684 12.17607 plot(1:2, cex=40, pch=16, xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, 3), col=c(hcl(12.17607, 44.78684, 35.11828), hex(polarLUV(35.11828, 44.78684, 12.17607))))
It might be possible to use something fancier than sRGB for the internal storage of colors (e.g., CIE XYZ), but this has not been seriously considered because it would be overkill and would force the introduction of a lot more conversions in the core graphics code (with a corresponding cost both in terms of code and performance).
One issue is the fact that sRGB has a restricted gamut (i.e., it cannot produce all possible colors) and other colorspaces can do better (e.g., Adobe RGB ?), but I still think sRGB is the way to go because it is recognised by so many different platforms/formats.