Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003)

March 20-22, 2003, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria

Editors: Kurt Hornik, Friedrich Leisch & Achim Zeileis
Production: Achim Zeileis
ISSN 1609-395X

Thomas Baier

R: Windows Component Services, Integrating R and Excel on the COM Layer

[abstract] [paper]

Thomas Baier and Erich Neuwirth

High-Level Interface Between R and Excel

[abstract] [paper]

Douglas M. Bates and Saikat DebRoy

Converting a Large R Package to S4 Classes and Methods

[abstract] [paper]

Henrik Bengtsson

The R.oo package - Object-Oriented Programming with References Using Standard R Code

[abstract] [paper]

Roger Bivand

Approaches to Classes for Spatial Data in R

[abstract] [paper]

Susanne G. Bøttcher and Claus Dethlefsen

Learning Bayesian Networks with R

[abstract] [paper]

Peter Bühlmann

Boosting Methods: Why They Can Be Useful for High-Dimensional Data

[abstract] [paper]

Vincent J. Carey

RDBMS in Bioinformatics: The Bioconductor Experience

[abstract] [paper]

Fei Chen and Brian D. Ripley

Statistical Computing and Databases: Distributed Computing Near the Data

[abstract] [paper]

Marcel Dettling

Revealing Predictive Gene Clusters with Supervised Algorithms

[abstract] [paper]

John W. Eaton and James B. Rawlings

Ten Years of Octave -- Recent Developments and Plans for the Future

[abstract] [paper]

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Quantian: A Scientific Computing Environment

[abstract] [paper]

C. Furlanello, M. Neteler, S. Merler, S. Menegon, S. Fontanari, A. Donini, A. Rizzoli and C. Chemini

GIS and the Random Forest Predictor: Integration in R for Tick-Borne Disease Risk Assessment

[abstract] [paper]

Albrecht Gebhardt

PVM Kriging with R

[abstract] [paper]

Ernst Glatzer and Werner G. Müller

An Interactive Tool for Residual Diagnostics for Fitting Spatial Dependencies (with Implementation in R)

[abstract] [paper]

Virgilio Gómez Rubio

RArcInfo: Using G.I.S. Data with R

[abstract] [paper]

V. Gómez Rubio, J. Ferrándiz and A. López

Detecting Disease Clusters with R

[abstract] [paper]

Philippe Grosjean

SciViews: An Object-Oriented Abstraction Layer to Design GUIs on Top of Various Calculation Kernels

[abstract] [paper]

Richard M. Heiberger and Burt Holland

Trellis Extensions

[abstract] [paper]

Søren Højsgaard

mimR -- A Package for Graphical Modelling in R

[abstract] [paper]

Torsten Hothorn

Bundling Predictors in R

[abstract] [paper]

Stefano Maria Iacus and Davide La Torre

Fractals and Statistics: An R Package Called ifs

[abstract] [paper]

Ross Ihaka

Colour for Presentation Graphics

[abstract] [paper]

Alexandros Karatzoglou, Alex Smola, Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik

kernlab -- A Kernel Methods Package

[abstract] [paper]

Friedrich Leisch

Sweave and Beyond: Computations on Text Documents

[abstract] [paper]

Uwe Ligges


[abstract] [paper]

Michael Mader and Werner Mewes

Database and R Interfacing for Annotated Microarray Data

[abstract] [paper]

Florian Markowetz and Rainer Spang

Evaluating the Effect of Perturbations in Reconstructing Network Topologies

[abstract] [paper]

David Meyer, Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik

Visualizing Independence Using Extended Association Plots

[abstract] [paper]

Paul Murrell and Kurt Hornik

Quality Assurance for Graphics in R

[abstract] [paper]

Balasubramanian Narasimhan

Prediction Analysis of Microarrays in Excel

[abstract] [paper]

Edzer J. Pebesma

Gstat: Multivariable Geostatistics for S

[abstract] [paper]

Martyn Plummer

JAGS: A Program for Analysis of Bayesian Graphical Models Using Gibbs Sampling

[abstract] [paper]

Paulo J. Ribeiro Jr., Ole F. Christensen and Peter J. Diggle

geoR and geoRglm: Software for Model-Based Geostatistics

[abstract] [paper]

Christian Ritter

Opportunities and Requirements for Open Source/Zero Cost Statistical Software in Companies Under Permanent Reorganization

[abstract] [paper]

James Robison-Cox

Putting RGtk to Work

[abstract] [paper]

Barry Rowlingson, Adrian Baddeley, Rolf Turner and Peter Diggle

Rasp: A Package for Spatial Statistics

[abstract] [paper]

Fatima Sanchez Cabo, Zlatko Trajanoski, Kwang-Hyun Cho and Olaf Wolkenhauer

A Graphical User Interface to Normalize Microarray Data

[abstract] [paper]

Deepayan Sarkar

Some Notes on lattice

[abstract] [paper]

Stefanie Scheid and Rainer Spang

A False Discovery Rate Approach to Separate the Score Distributions of Induced and Non-induced Genes

[abstract] [paper]

Christian Stratowa

Distributed Storage and Analysis of Microarray Data in the Terabyte Range: An Alternative to BioConductor

[abstract] [paper] [code]

Deborah F. Swayne, Andreas Buja and Duncan Temple Lang

Exploratory Visual Analysis of Graphs in GGobi

[abstract] [paper]

Günter Tirler and Josef Leydold

Automatic Non-uniform Random Variate Generation in R

[abstract] [paper]

Simon Urbanek

Rserve -- A Fast Way to Provide R Functionality to Applications

[abstract] [paper]

Simon Urbanek and Martin Theus

iPlots - High Interaction Graphics for R

[abstract] [paper]

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