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Tue Jan 21 2025 07:20:59 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
18840 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- traceback() should display error location if known 00:14:08
18839 R Translat R-core UNCO --- R should produce .mo files Fri 19:10
18838 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- Scaling resolution on quartz() device causes different results in plots. 2025-01-14
18837 Rtools Toolchai tomas.kalibera UNCO --- glib-2.0.pc gives disallow cflags 2025-01-08
18835 Rtools Toolchai tomas.kalibera UNCO --- audio encoder not working in ffmpeg 2024-12-17
18834 R Document R-core UNCO --- ? '...' argument could be improved to highlight check.names= should not be provided 2024-12-08
17350 R I/O R-core REOP --- Print method for POSIXt incorrectly displays fractions of a second 2024-12-07
18832 R S4method R-core UNCO --- default expression for 'dims' differs between 'colSums' and implicit generic function definition 2024-12-07
18833 R S4method R-core UNCO --- methods:::.identicalGeneric can wrongly ignore differences in default values of formal arguments 2024-12-07
18826 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Proposal to remove CURL_CA_BUNDLE in Windows 2024-11-19
14843 R Graphics R-core NEW --- dev.print treats background inconsistently 2024-11-15
18820 R I/O R-core UNCO --- download.file() does not send the configured User-Agent with libcurl 2024-11-15
16721 R Graphics R-core ASSI --- image() with png() plot error for certain pixel widths 2024-11-14
18814 R Installa R-core UNCO --- R reports a default package was not found when attaching may have failed for another reason 2024-11-12
18330 R Document R-core UNCO --- type argument documentation in install.packages 2024-11-01
16846 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- how to remove filled.contour white interior grid? 2024-10-31
18464 R Misc R-core UNCO --- merge's sort=FALSE argument still sort's by NA 2024-10-30
18813 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Visibility differences between bytecode and interpreted evaluation for [ and [[ 2024-10-25
18313 R Models R-core UNCO --- model.matrix contrast.arg warning does not match documentation 2024-10-18
18806 R Language R-core UNCO --- r-devel check_rust() not behind `--as-cran` flag 2024-10-15
18810 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Improve error for readRDS by including filename 2024-10-09
18276 R Misc R-core UNCO --- 'reshape()' very inefficient when length(idvar) > 1L 2024-10-08
18792 R Graphics paul ASSI --- QuartzBitmap_Output function seg_faults when filename is empty string 2024-10-04
18461 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- flickering when scrolling in R graphics windows 2024-09-30
18333 R Graphics R-core NEW --- incorrect output for pattern with text 2024-09-19
18091 R Translat R-core UNCO --- tools::xgettext fails on a wrapper of a gettextf 2024-09-14
18796 R Misc R-core UNCO --- tapply() fails to combine attributes correctly (difftime) 2024-09-14
18787 R Misc paul ASSI --- Remove unnecessary code from glyphFont() 2024-09-12
15027 R I/O R-core ASSI --- max.print is ignored for matrix *and* other array headers 2024-09-11
18793 R Translat R-core UNCO --- checkPoFile() has a really strong assumption of no blank lines between msgid and msgstr entries 2024-09-09
18791 R Document R-core UNCO --- dngettext replacement macro should be careful about operators 2024-09-05
18788 R Language R-core UNCO --- utils::packageDescription should keep whitespace for specific fields 2024-08-30
18675 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- plot() applies argument 'font' to tick mark labels, not just to plotted points 2024-08-29
18785 R Misc R-core UNCO --- excessive memory consumption when computing `new.row.names` using `interaction()` in `reshape()` 2024-08-22
18783 R Document R-core UNCO --- Remove the recommendation to guard against !defined(R_VERSION) 2024-08-19
16567 R Document R-core ASSI --- Claims about computational complexity of findInterval 2024-08-15
18173 R Document R-core UNCO --- Man page for is very brief about the circumstances when to use 2024-08-15
18779 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- NextMethod() fails in S3 methods dispatched by internal generic cbind, rbind 2024-08-13
18769 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Names containing backslash are not deparsed properly 2024-08-12
18776 R Language R-core UNCO --- Delayed S3 methods from reverse dependencies may fail 2024-08-09
18773 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- grid::dataViewport() has minor bugs in error messages and help 2024-08-06
18775 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- copyListMatrix(s, t, TRUE) uses a STREXP as temporary SEXP storage 2024-08-06
16780 R Installa R-core NEW --- make install fails if TeX/texinfo is not available 2024-07-25
17148 R Graphics R-core ASSI --- rasterImage shows incorrect image orientation (MacOSX) 2024-07-25
1161 R Graphics R-core ASSI --- x-axis label in persp() 2024-07-24
18568 R Models R-core UNCO --- terms.formula(specials="<non-syntactic>") fails to find calls to function 2024-07-20
18767 R Misc R-core UNCO --- tools::toTitleCase() doesn't capitalize the first word in some situations 2024-07-17
18766 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- ALTREP: Use `DATAPTR_OR_NULL()` in `ExtractSubset()` where possible 2024-07-16
18764 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Quoted words are not protected in `tools::toTitleCase()` when followed by a comma 2024-07-13
18762 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Making R internals more ALTREP friendly: copyVector() 2024-07-12
18761 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- ALTREP: Use read only pointer for atomic vectors in `R_compute_identical()` 2024-07-12
18729 R Misc R-core UNCO --- dump() error behavior for list = character() depends on output mode 2024-07-12
18759 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- ALTREP: Use read only pointer for atomic vectors in `duplicate1()` 2024-07-12
17377 R S4method R-core NEW --- inconsistent result of getSrcLocation for an S4 method that uses the ... argument 2024-07-10
15554 R Accuracy R-core ASSI --- bessel function issues 2024-07-06
18753 R Document R-core UNCO --- summaryRprof: Unexpected unit for memory profiling 2024-07-02
18749 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- sort_by() all columns 2024-07-01
18748 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- array(dim = rep(2^25, 3)) technically overflows R_xlen_t cast from double 2024-06-28
18744 R Windows R-core UNCO --- R crashes on shutdown in ARM-based Win11 Parallels VM 2024-06-24
18741 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- `seq()` error message of bad `length.out` 2024-06-21
18733 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Add message or warning to `substr()` when `length(start)` and/or `length(stop)` exceeds `length(x)` 2024-06-17
18737 R Language R-core UNCO --- table() on dataframe causes memory leak or unhelpful error 2024-06-17
18746 R Document R-core UNCO --- ?all.equal should mention it ignores the S4 bit? 2024-06-16
18743 R Document R-core UNCO --- "hclust()" documentation about "ward.D" and "ward.D2" need to be revised. In addition to the incorrect description of the "ward.D" and "ward.D2" options, there is a lack of correct information about the value of d to be set. 2024-06-15
18740 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- txtProgressBar should output to`stderr` through `message(..., appendLF = FALSE)`? 2024-06-11
16094 R Low-leve R-core NEW --- Version constraints on imported package are avoided if the importing package only uses "packageA::funA" 2024-05-30
18707 R S4method R-core UNCO --- "methods:::.TraceWithMethods()" nesting error for S4 methods 2024-05-23
18728 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Improving strcapture performance 2024-05-15
16845 R Accuracy R-core ASSI --- There appears to be an error computing the CDF of a non-central T distributed random variable using the pt() function 2024-05-14
18285 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- patch to handle rank-deficient fixed model matrix in lme 2024-05-09
18472 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- gls() with singular.ok=TRUE 2024-05-09
18726 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Add class to error emitted via R_CheckTimeLimits 2024-05-08
18723 R Document R-core UNCO --- more complete documentation of argument 'recursive' of 'c', 'unlist' 2024-05-06
18719 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- uneven indentation in str() output 2024-05-04
18716 R Document R-core UNCO --- `warnPartialMatchArgs` and `.Primitive()` 2024-05-01
18715 R Startup R-core UNCO --- Package built for more recent versions of R library() 2024-04-30
17852 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: [ method for rle 2024-04-28
17821 R Document R-core UNCO --- Reference possible portability issues for translations in R-Exts 2024-04-28
18712 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- make `outer()` set dimname names [with patch] 2024-04-27
17546 R I/O R-core ASSI --- extend readtable with a hook for column type detection 2024-04-24
18700 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Error passing improvements in 'parallel' 2024-04-23
16750 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Treat character as factor in summary.default 2024-04-23
8528 R Document maechler ASSI --- pgamma - inadequate algorithm design and poor coding 2024-04-22
18706 R Misc R-core UNCO --- double colon operator in formulas, in particular as relates to stats::offset 2024-04-20
16507 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Change "Wishlist" in the Bugzilla bug report "Component" box to "Wishlist or Suggestion". 2024-04-19
16370 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- R CMD check for closeAllConnections() 2024-04-19
16337 R Misc R-core NEW --- Add data.frame support to sample() 2024-04-19
15652 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: warn user when .Rbuildignore omits files 2024-04-16
18705 R Document R-core UNCO --- Document (lack of) include.only= behavior under "reattachment", and suggested workaround 2024-04-16
18704 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- Enhance detach() for packages to return what names were detached 2024-04-15
14354 R Language R-core ASSI --- wish to provide a means to mark non-standard evaluation to be skipped by codetools 2024-04-14
16288 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Unable to find application named '' 2024-04-11
18695 R Document R-core UNCO --- 'refhook' documentation in ?readRDS is bad 2024-04-05
18692 R Installa R-core UNCO --- 'Installing the package to build vignettes' is ambiguous 2024-04-03
18691 R Document R-core UNCO --- clarification of NaN/NA documentation 2024-03-27
18689 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Support inclusion of Complex.h with MSVC 2024-03-26
18677 R Document R-core UNCO --- Documentation of base::gamma & base::is.numeric Could be Improved. 2024-03-18
16158 R Models R-core REOP --- Error in predict.lm for rank-deficient cases 2024-02-20
18655 R Low-leve maechler ASSI --- Enhancements to `*wilcox` functions for large population sizes 2024-02-20
17957 R Translat R-core NEW --- Missing translations of some messages 2024-02-14
18668 Rtools Toolchai tomas.kalibera UNCO --- ImageMagick missing heic driver (libheif) 2024-02-11
18662 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Consider signing R binaries + DLLs? 2024-01-31
18616 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- TukeyHSD not functioning properly with nested designs 2024-01-26
18459 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- model.frame generates invalid dimnames for matrix terms in formula 2024-01-25
18659 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Coerce inputs to startsWith() and endsWith() 2024-01-22
18480 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Enhancements to `dendrapply` 2024-01-17
15782 R Windows marco_maier NEW --- (semi-)transparent "grid" elements disappear in the graphics device upon resizing 2024-01-16
18653 R Language R-core UNCO --- utils:::makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner() evaluates chunks without source references 2024-01-16
18652 R Language R-core UNCO --- utils::Sweave(), when given a filename without extension, passes incomplete filename to driver$setup() 2024-01-16
18628 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- TukeyHSD with un-balanced 2-factor design gives incorrect Adjusted P-Value 2024-01-13
18651 R Low-leve R-core ASSI --- expose logspace_add, logspace_sub, logspace_sum ? 2024-01-08
18648 R Misc R-core UNCO --- tools::startDynamicHelp(): Can get stuck in "server could not be started on an earlier attempt" state 2024-01-06
18644 R Translat R-core UNCO --- checkPoFile() should endeavor to point out non-ASCII format entries 2024-01-03
16256 R Models R-core NEW --- bug in predict with type="terms" in the presence of missing 2024-01-01
18623 R Language R-core UNCO --- Inconsistent Method Dispatch in t.test and kruskal.test (and probably others) with Named Arguments 2023-12-31
18462 R Misc R-core UNCO --- aggregate.formula fails to remove terms in the RHS with dot notation 2023-12-31
15853 R Misc R-core NEW --- chol problem with positive semi definite matrix and pivoting 2023-12-22
18639 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Export tools:::.split_dependencies 2023-12-19
18637 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Tar has not had a 100 byte limit for 35 years. The check is confusing. 2023-12-15
18578 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Matrices first row label is [4294967297, ] instead of [1, ] 2023-11-15
18624 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Control `R CMD check` options through environment variables 2023-11-14
18619 R Models R-core UNCO --- "Factor has new levels" error for formula excluding variable 2023-11-10
18622 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- gram.y: skip non-breakable spaces 2023-11-10
18607 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- wilcox.test w/ EXACT=TRUE should give more accurate warning or compute PValue w/ Ties 2023-10-06
18595 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- R CMD check could do better looking for unlockBinding()/assignInNamespace() violations 2023-09-12
18280 R Translat R-core UNCO --- Suggestion for base to include templated condition handlers (stopf() etc) 2023-09-11
17824 R Translat R-core UNCO --- tools::update_pkg_po doesn't detect string literals from stopifnot('msg'=test) form 2023-09-06
9252 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wish: change behaviour of header in read.fwf 2023-09-04
18576 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- WISH: Add support for collating package vignettes 2023-09-01
17819 R Translat R-core UNCO --- Translate untranslated char arrays in all library packages 2023-09-01
16311 R Windows R-core NEW --- It would be nice if system2 could generally set environment variables from env argument 2023-09-01
17136 R Document R-core UNCO --- Documentation for method="BY" in p.adjust() 2023-08-31
18586 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Standardization of system requirements 2023-08-31
18584 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_ assumes that .Library doesn't contain third-party packages 2023-08-26
18577 R Misc R-core UNCO --- grep(pattern, ...) et al.: Escalate warning on "argument 'pattern' has length > 1 ..." to an error 2023-08-09
4731 R Graphics R-core NEW --- persp - incorrect shading of triangular facets 2023-07-15
18288 R Wishlist R-core REOP --- Add support for SHA2 (256-bit) hashing 2023-07-12
16890 R Models R-core ASSI --- nlme::intervals.lmList with seems not to work with unpooled SE estimates 2023-06-26
18550 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Please accept a patch to classify a reexported function as non-S3-method 2023-06-19
18520 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- R 4.3.0 needs a fallback code for _CTFontDrawGlyphs in grDevices for macOS <10.7 2023-05-25
18531 R Misc R-core UNCO --- erroneous detection of writable library directories in user-namespace isolated containers 2023-05-12
18533 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Error: ignoring SIGPIPE signal 2023-05-12
18406 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- seq_len should get a reverse (?) argument 2023-05-03
18524 R Document R-core UNCO --- DOCS: Make it easier to find help on raw string constants, e.g.'r"') 2023-05-02
18521 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Two tests from reg-tests-1d.R fail on Darwin ppc32 (long double and small ranges related) 2023-04-30
18518 R Misc R-core UNCO --- [patch] formatC(<small_number>, format="fg") ignores width option 2023-04-26
18516 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- formatC inconsistent/wrong formatting with option format = "fg" 2023-04-20
18502 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Regenerate m4/gettext.m4 with updated AM_GNU_GETTEXT 2023-04-16
18511 R Language R-core UNCO --- Error on dput() / browser() / debug() with S7 objects 2023-04-13
18504 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Replace network-related obsolete symbols 2023-04-08
18013 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: reduce memory usage when indexing with longish sequence stored compactly 2023-04-07
18499 R Document R-core UNCO --- Examples for functions that involve writing files 2023-04-01
18495 R Language R-core UNCO --- Alternative algorithm for `which()` 2023-03-22
18494 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- solve.default(a, b) should not ignore names(dimnames(.)) 2023-03-17
18488 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Allow restarting `library()` when package is not found 2023-03-14
18489 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Fix `isNamespaceLoaded()` to detect packages currently being loaded 2023-03-10
16391 R Models R-core UNCO --- factanal returns wrong rotation matrix when rotation method calls GPArotation package 2023-03-09
18481 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Inconsistent behaviour when subsetting matrix by row/col names with NAs 2023-03-03
18478 R Translat R-core UNCO --- Bad pluralization in QC.R for internationalization 2023-03-01
18468 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- stats::dummy.coef fails with back ticked variable names 2023-02-21
18466 R Misc R-core UNCO --- loadNamespace("pkg") isn't counted as a use of "pkg" 2023-02-09
18457 R Windows R-core UNCO --- change RGui manifest for windows highdpi setting 2023-02-08
18458 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- TRE pattern matching fails with backreference and minimal repeat 2023-01-26
18451 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Implicit coercion in ave 2023-01-02
18223 R Misc R-core UNCO --- performance issues with ave + add drop = TRUE 2023-01-02
18446 R Installa R-core UNCO --- -Wimplicit-function-declaration and -Wstrict-prototypes warnings in R.m4 2022-12-29
18434 R Misc R-core NEW --- Additional entries for tools::get_exclude_patterns() 2022-11-13
18431 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Keep names when unsplitting 2022-11-13
18432 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Include all vim swap files in tools:::get_exclude_patterns() 2022-11-09
18429 R Misc R-core UNCO --- rapply() does not match function 2022-11-06
18402 R Document R-core UNCO --- Provide a mechanism for adding custom CSS styles to HTML documentation headers. 2022-11-05
15531 R Low-leve R-core NEW --- sys.parent() provides incorrect result when multiple call frames use the same environment 2022-10-30
18415 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- nls port ignores names in lower, upper 2022-10-14
18409 R Language R-core UNCO --- Error message 'undefined columns selected' should specify which columns are undefined 2022-09-26
18408 R Document R-core UNCO --- Using CMake section "$(SHLIB): mylibs" did not work for me 2022-09-22
18407 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Underscore-separated numeric literals 2022-09-20
18395 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- floating point error in fligner.test 2022-09-08
18383 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- foreign::read.dbf cannot read foxpro's "I" type properly 2022-08-02
18378 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Use &&/||, not &/|, inside condition clauses 2022-07-17
18377 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Replace paste(sep = "") with paste0() in some vignettes, demos, tests 2022-07-17
18364 R Language R-core UNCO --- Initializing Column Improper Length 2022-07-04
18145 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- debugcall() fails to detect S3 when there is a type conversion 2022-06-28
18365 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Enhancement: `example(foo, local = TRUE)` should preserve `par()` and `options()`. 2022-06-20
18363 R Language R-core UNCO --- Tracer function not found when a list of functions is traced 2022-06-16
18355 R Document R-core UNCO --- trace() wipes out attributes 2022-06-16
18358 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Output from cluster workers is not printed to console when outfile = "" 2022-06-13
18353 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- assigning to hashtab via $<- 'corrupts' table 2022-06-07
18347 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Should R export JAVA_HOME on startup? 2022-05-17
18325 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- macOS target version has not been set 2022-04-27
15628 R Accuracy maechler ASSI --- dpois_raw accuracy 2022-04-24
16423 R S4method R-core ASSI --- canCoerce() reports false negative then changes its mind -- selectMethod() bug 2022-04-02
18319 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Renaming prebuilt package file breaks installation on Windows. 2022-03-29
17322 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Installation of newer version does not upgrade existing installation, nor remove old version 2022-03-14
17961 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- "gls" function uses REML estimate of sigma^2 for fixed effects variance matrix when "method = ML" 2022-03-06
17884 R Models R-core UNCO --- Pull request for nlme::confint.lme 2022-03-05
18230 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- WISH: Export parallel:::isChild() to make it possible to protect against forked processing 2022-02-18
18304 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- sequence.default does not recycle nvec to length(from) or length(by) 2022-02-18
14878 R Graphics paul REOP --- Use Endash in Negative Sign in Numbers instead of Hyphen 2022-02-11
18292 R Wishlist paul UNCO --- An API to create a DevDesc 2022-02-09
7936 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- by should use 2022-02-06
18298 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- [Feature request] Read header via an option in download.file() 2022-02-04
17795 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- Issue with special character "@" in the 'username' for authentication. 2022-02-02
18295 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Staged install error on M1 host when building universal binary 2022-01-27
18282 R Document R-core UNCO --- Description of var.test for lm objects could be improved. 2022-01-21
16864 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- nlme: lme gives incorrect answers without warning with redundant data 2022-01-19
18278 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Partial matching of row names 2022-01-18
18274 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- system2 popen error uninformative with long arguments 2022-01-04
18264 R Language R-core UNCO --- [Feature Request] Options to allow print on assign 2022-01-03
18249 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Follow guidance from Unicode TR31 in determining valid identifiers for UTF-8 locales 2022-01-01
18252 R Document R-core UNCO --- Document how unicode strings are compared for equality 2021-12-29
18260 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- method L-BFGS-B does not respect the bounds 2021-12-21
18258 R Language R-core UNCO --- 'trace' only half-works for generated functions in packages 2021-12-19
17489 R Language R-core UNCO --- [PATCH] Deparse := calls in infix form 2021-12-06
17454 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- max.col does not match which.max 2021-11-25
18238 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Include line numbers in R CMD check output 2021-11-15
18221 R Models R-core UNCO --- lm() fails to drop reference level when a factor() is interacted with a continuous variable 2021-11-14
18233 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- GC: speeding-up the CHARSXP cache maintenance 2021-11-07
18176 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Some generics lose invisibility 2021-11-05
14971 R Misc R-core NEW --- Allow to step (debug) through the code when evaluating expressions using eval 2021-11-05
18163 R Language R-core UNCO --- refClass can't find function from same package if extended in different package 2021-11-04
18226 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Leakage between vignettes 2021-10-31
17563 R Models R-core NEW --- Give update.formula() an option not to simplify or reorder the result. 2021-10-29
16722 R Wishlist R-core REOP --- Wishlist: API access to connections 2021-10-27
17882 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- Minor FP errors incorrectly yield to NA P-value in anova.glm and stat.anova 2021-10-22
18208 R Misc R-core UNCO --- tools:::latexToUtf8(tools::parseLatex("\\'i")) should generate � 2021-10-18
18216 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- Please add macbuilder link to top-level page of 2021-10-15
18198 R Language R-core UNCO --- [PATCH] Improve performance of default format guessing in `format.POSIXlt()` 2021-09-24
18191 R Installa R-core UNCO --- CMD build fails for packages providing their own VignetteEngine 2021-09-16
18181 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- forecast method in stats package 2021-09-02
15725 R Misc R-core UNCO --- cannot edit empty dataframe in 2021-08-13
18155 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Allow calls of the form `pkg::object$name <- value`? 2021-07-28
17416 R Installa R-core UNCO --- R CMD build doesn't handle non-Sweave vignettes properly 2021-07-22
15654 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- WISH/ROBUSTNESS: R CMD check for non-named '...' arguments to NextMethod() 2021-07-17
18058 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- lm(..., subset=...) producing incorrect model matrix 2021-07-17
18153 R Windows R-core UNCO --- update.packages() reinstalls same version of package in some cases 2021-07-14
18138 R Language R-core UNCO --- registerS3method() does not register the method in the top environment 2021-07-02
18140 R Language R-core UNCO --- [.data.frame: subsetting data frame with factor column: additional class not stripped 2021-07-01
17516 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- dpois, dnorm, .. stripping of non-standard class and attribtues 2021-06-26
18128 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- allow an "anti" merge 2021-06-25
18085 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- File.remove 2021-06-24
18121 R Translat R-core UNCO --- Inconsistency in .pot files for R vs src translations 2021-06-14
18043 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- read.dcf could skip commented lines 2021-06-03
16727 R Accuracy R-core REOP --- [dpqr]nbinom(..., size = Inf) should behave like [dpqr]pois(...) 2021-06-01
18061 R Document R-core NEW --- The documentation is not clear that match() does not use the same notion of equality as unique(). 2021-05-18
18096 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- [patch] sort() did not return ALTREP for already increasing int vectors 2021-05-06
18094 R Document R-core UNCO --- Suggestions for help system 2021-05-04
18084 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Mac-GUI - \n interpretation 2021-04-18
17465 R Low-leve R-core NEW --- Provide an unsigned int analogue to unif_rand() in Rmath.h 2021-03-02
18067 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- plot.xy() evaluates '...' too soon? 2021-02-28
18062 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- Provide an option for match() to use the same notion of equality as unique(). 2021-02-27
18060 R Document R-core UNCO --- "Malformed maintainer field." message could be more helpful 2021-02-18
18035 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- a bug in wilcox.test() caused by precision error when there are ties 2021-02-13
18054 R Installa R-core UNCO --- tools::checkFF gives false positives if a DLL has a non-standard name 2021-02-08
18047 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- parallel: Configurable serialization 'refhook':s for sendData()/receiveData() 2021-02-01
18039 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: allow Sys.setenv() to accept named vector 2021-01-27
18030 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Package installation fails if source repository version requires newer version of R, even if compatible binary present 2021-01-13
18026 R Document R-core UNCO --- Include help page for exportPattern 2021-01-08
18025 R Translat R-core UNCO --- xgettext/xngettext miss messages when supplied with qualified namespace 2021-01-04
18024 R Installa R-core UNCO --- BLAS detection in configure does not work with clang 12 2021-01-02
18015 R Language R-core UNCO --- tools:add_datalist silently ignores Rdata files, only accepts RData files. Proposal to allow both, or warn, or at least document 2020-12-18
17895 R Models R-core UNCO --- terms.formula issues "Warning: 'varlist' has changed -- should no longer happen" 2020-12-16
18005 R Language R-core UNCO --- Refactoring of gamma function 2020-12-07
17992 R Misc R-core REOP --- The POSIX regex parser fails to parse (^|\b) correctly but succeeds on (\b|^) - bug in the TRE library 2020-12-05
17997 R Installa R-core UNCO --- R packages should list all system requirements in DESCRIPTION's SystemRequirements. 2020-12-02
17996 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- install.packages support installing dependencies as needed when installing local tarball 2020-12-01
17994 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: provide Coerce method for deferred string conversion 2020-12-01
17684 R I/O R-core NEW --- X11 event handling regression (?) in scrolling detection 2020-11-30
16640 R Low-leve R-core REOP --- 2X speedup for tapply 2020-11-27
14987 R Graphics R-core NEW --- wishlist: image, persp, ..., findInterval to be used with decreasing x or y? 2020-11-25
17974 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: stop for wrong number of columns in matrix index 2020-11-24
17982 R Models R-core UNCO --- Inefficient code in varimax() 2020-11-23
17984 R Models R-core UNCO --- Change from La.svd to svd in varimax 2020-11-21
17979 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- type.convert could leave special classes intact 2020-11-18
17967 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Patch: handle logical index vector directly in vector subsetting and subassignment 2020-11-06
14730 R Windows R-core UNCO --- tcltk window freezes when interrupting calculations/locator function 2020-10-28
17946 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Unexpected 'head.ftable' when subsetting column 2020-10-26
17945 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- [Feature Request] Adding `pattern` to `list.dirs()` 2020-10-13
17943 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Improve or remove support for duplicate columns in data.frame 2020-10-11
17942 R Misc R-core NEW --- all.equal(check.attributes=FALSE,...) is inconsistent about checking the class 2020-10-09
17934 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: tail(ftable(Titanic), addrownums=TRUE) as in R < 4.0.0 2020-09-29
17928 R Language R-core UNCO --- NextMethod does not appear to dispatch to group generic methods from specific methods. 2020-09-25
17924 R Windows R-core NEW --- tools::check_packages_in_dir() ignores 'check_env' on Windows 2020-09-23
17807 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- parRapply and parCapply return a list instead of a (numeric) vector when function returns vectors of different lengths 2020-09-14
16322 R Low-leve R-core NEW --- scipen generates errors for large values 2020-09-14
14901 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- X11 quit crashes R on OS X 2020-09-12
16852 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- Inconsistent Date to POSIXt conversion between Windows, OS X and Linux 2020-09-11
17590 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- 7z 2020-09-11
17920 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Enhance utils:combn to support bigz and mpfr classes (among others) 2020-09-10
17918 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Improve debugcall and debugcallonce to support calls to funs via :: :::, patch included 2020-09-08
17916 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- enhance number of items to replace error 2020-09-04
17886 R Models R-core UNCO --- says convergence is OK while the likelihood has no maximum 2020-09-02
17903 R Language R-core UNCO --- Weird behaviour when nesting browser inside a function 2020-08-31
15656 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- presence of Right-to-Left Font alters order of columns when displaying a data.frame 2020-08-29
17896 R Document R-core UNCO --- Cleaning up Internationalization section in R-exts 2020-08-25
15438 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- Improvements to Quartz/Cocoa Device when Used from Terminal 2020-08-24
15463 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI ---' data editor rounds some data in a data frame 2020-08-23
15826 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- GUI problems MAC 2020-08-23
15308 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Subscripting a terms object and predvars 2020-08-22
14716 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Code folding in editor 2020-08-22
14335 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Documents open in the editor become unresponsive or do not update changes 2020-08-22
17894 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Access an installed package when available 2020-08-21
17883 R Models R-core UNCO --- Error message for binomial(identity) is misleading 2020-08-17
17887 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Ignore comments in Rbuildignore 2020-08-17
17885 R Models R-core UNCO --- detects convergence too early when dispersion is very low 2020-08-16
15293 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- R Data Editor crashes when adds a new column 2020-08-16
15342 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- Mapping categorical variables in ggplot2 may crash or hang on OS X Lion in binary distribution of R 3.0.1 and 2020-08-16
17236 R Models R-core UNCO --- Degrees of freedom in lme() -- incorrect handling of intercept 2020-08-15
17183 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- 'prettyDate' simplification 2020-08-15
15507 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- fix() not working under Mac OS 10.9 2020-08-15
14822 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- match() analogue for regexes, eg firstgrep() or match( , regex=TRUE) 2020-08-15
17826 R Accuracy R-core NEW --- deparse(terms(y~x)) omits all the attributes: result is identical to that of deparse(y~x). 2020-08-14
15357 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- segfault 2020-08-14
16596 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Allow URLs in DESCRIPTION to have commas 2020-08-13
17225 R Language R-core ASSI --- Adding named element to nested element of recursive object does not add the name for pairlists, calls, and expressions. 2020-08-11
15576 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: color console output 2020-08-11
14746 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- script editor snafu in Mac OS X10.5 2020-08-10
14728 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- tab completion adds a question mark 2020-08-10
14582 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- Changing display configurations on my Mac causes spurious stderr output if Quartz or is used 2020-08-09
13679 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- crash after using graphics in Rcmdr 2020-08-09
17861 R Language R-core UNCO --- expm1() does not accept complex argument 2020-08-08
15936 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- SPSS import generates extra empty columns in middle of dataset 2020-08-08
17875 R Models R-core UNCO --- bug in influence measures for logistic regression 2020-08-05
17874 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- use `getOption("INSTALL_opts")` as default for INSTALL_opts argument to install.packages() 2020-07-31
17872 R S4method R-core NEW --- methods() works, showMethods() fails for S4 methods loaded but not attached 2020-07-31
17864 R Installa R-core UNCO --- `install.packages()` installation order is sometimes incorrect with mixed binary and source packages 2020-07-20
17856 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- R GUI insert apparent line breaks when using escape characters like tab (\t) 2020-07-10
15966 R Installa R-core NEW --- Should link to libR.dylib without full path 2020-07-09
17837 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Add support for mmap_file() and munmap_file() on Windows 2020-07-06
17849 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Calling Frames in Eval 2020-07-06
17848 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- grid.text() has wrong height when passed a multi-line language object 2020-07-01
17845 R Language R-core UNCO --- change p.adjust method "bonferroni" to "Dunn-Bonferrroni" 2020-06-27
17604 R Analyses R-core UNCO --- approx's new na.rm=FALSE does not play well with 'ties' argument. (R-devel post 3.6.1) 2020-06-18
15338 R Language R-core UNCO --- alist enhancement request 2020-06-17
15715 R Language R-core NEW --- make call() more flexible 2020-06-17
408 R Language R-core NEW --- convolution bug 2020-06-17
17829 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- add a drop parameter to tapply to drop unused combinations of grouping values 2020-06-12
7393 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- dhyper() does not allow non-integer values for input parameters m and n. 2020-06-10
17811 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- Graphical window redraw issues cause re-entrancy, incorrect title label, and small performance hit 2020-05-27
17805 R Document R-core UNCO --- args(): document NULL return value for certain special primitives 2020-05-18
16303 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- Missing Sanity Checks in R-3.1.x for various library function calls... 2020-05-18
17803 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Some small fixes to ccumprod and ccumsum [i.e., for complex input] 2020-05-16
7208 R Document R-core NEW --- Documentation R-intro input 2020-05-16
17798 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Update/Determine What to Do With Rlocale Character Determination Tables 2020-05-13
17797 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- check could raise exception when so|dll name is not valid C entry point 2020-05-12
17610 R Language R-core UNCO --- Consistency and customisation of printing and autoprinting 2020-05-10
17778 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- barplot should take user-supplied lwd 2020-05-01
17775 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Delete Files 2020-04-29
17774 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Out-of-range index in compute_open_spline in xspline.c 2020-04-28
8275 R Analyses R-core NEW --- Bugs/issues with model.tables() 2020-04-26
17766 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Security vulnerabilities in bundled TRE library 2020-04-21
15275 R Models R-core NEW --- terms.formula(y ~ (x + fn(z = NA)) - fn(z = NA),simplify=TRUE) does not simplify 2020-04-20
16705 R Misc R-core UNCO --- inconsistent error reporting in reshape() 2020-04-18
16144 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- enhancement to base::structure to prevent malformed factors 2020-04-17
9427 R Misc R-core NEW --- substitute creates an object which prints incorrectly 2020-04-16
17762 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Matrix Multiplication 2020-04-15
17760 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- utils::stack would benefit from understanding stringsAsFactors 2020-04-14
17751 R Installa R-core UNCO --- refresh / enhance library and package functions 2020-04-03
17703 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- constrOptim() fails for a well-specified problem on R-3.6.2 2020-03-31
16103 R Graphics R-core NEW --- Anti-aliasing not used for certain pch symbols 2020-03-27
17745 R Installa R-core UNCO --- libR should have a soname and version 2020-03-25
17744 R Installa R-core UNCO --- pkg-config file should not contain user's LDFLAGS 2020-03-25
17646 R Language R-core UNCO --- `immediate.` argument of `warning()` is ignored when input is a condition object 2020-03-22
14825 R Misc R-core NEW --- Possibility to set srcref when evaluating an expr (of any kind) 2020-03-19
17733 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- Error with QuartzBitmap_Output to /dev/null 2020-03-16
17726 R Language R-core UNCO --- as.character on expression can break syntax 2020-03-04
17713 R Models R-core UNCO --- spurious warning message from termplot 2020-02-14
16166 R Analyses R-core NEW --- inconsistent results of zapsmall called by Thin.row (especially in anova.mlm) 2020-02-11
15848 R Analyses R-core NEW --- Factanal Print function semi-random signs for inter-factor correlations 2020-02-09
16070 R Models R-core REOP --- terms function mishandling case when intercept is excluded 2020-02-09
16008 R Models R-core NEW --- logLik.glm when some weights are zero gives -Inf and df includes the zero weighted rows. Different than logLik.lm. 2020-02-09
15831 R Graphics R-core NEW --- pch="." misaligned 2020-02-08
16665 R Analyses R-core ASSI --- dummy.coef fails when transformations are included in formula 2020-02-08
16333 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Allow different way to specify vignette engine 2020-02-03
17216 R Misc R-core ASSI --- substring() and propagation of names 2020-02-03
17126 R S4method R-core UNCO --- S4 class hierarchy incorrectly built in rare cases (unexported S4 classes + 'load'ed S4 objects) 2020-02-02
16304 R Misc R-core NEW --- Missing Sanity Checks in R-3.1.x for various library function calls... 2020-02-02
10455 R Analyses R-core NEW --- Bug in pacf -- Proposed patch 2020-02-01
17702 R Language R-core UNCO --- Assignment to data.frame column (`$<-` or `[[<-`) should convert POSIXlt to POSIXct 2020-01-31
6701 R Add-ons R-core NEW --- lookup.xport in foreign ignoring some datasets 2020-01-26
17641 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- WISH: Make parallel::detectCores() agile to new env var R_DEFAULT_CORES 2020-01-23
7178 R Graphics R-core NEW --- contour method="edge" when vertical. 2020-01-19
988 R Document R-core NEW --- input for R-intro 2020-01-13
17463 R Models R-core UNCO --- update() on lm(data) will fail? 2020-01-12
6763 R Graphics R-core NEW --- postscript image problem 2020-01-12
14323 R S4method R-core ASSI --- methods::new(): information not inserted from dots when contains="matrix" 2020-01-09
10345 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- boxplot() confuses x- and y-axes 2020-01-06
7986 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Graphics: log="x" plot 2020-01-06
8117 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- whislist 2020-01-06
6613 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- summary() 2020-01-06
3180 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- standard errors from glm 2020-01-06
1011 R Document R-core NEW --- R-intro suggestions part II 2020-01-06
1861 R Models R-core NEW --- update() can not find objects 2020-01-06
10701 R Document R-core NEW --- Suggestions for R-intro manual 2020-01-06
7930 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: axis( ) could take vector of colors 2020-01-06
5328 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- wishlist item: symbols() to accept asp argument? 2020-01-06
9009 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wish/suggestion: add output of citation() to package "manuals" 2020-01-06
13231 R Misc R-core NEW --- using yscrollcommand in tkcanvas crashes R 2020-01-06
7931 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: strwidth allow for rotation of text 2020-01-06
8053 R S4method R-core NEW --- S4 setClass with prototypes " issues" 2020-01-06
7402 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: heatmap/image legend 2020-01-06
5045 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- wishlist item: changing origin of plot 2020-01-06
8680 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- wishlist: function mlh.mlm to test multivariate linear hypotheses of the form: LBT'=0 2020-01-06
7195 R Document R-core NEW --- additional examples for R-intro.texi 2020-01-06
7315 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- wish - cor.test output order change 2020-01-06
6612 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- suggestions 2020-01-06
8535 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- dataentry() 2020-01-06
3690 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Add a 'drop' parameter, set to FALSE by default, to apply() 2020-01-06
1384 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- KDE frontend 2020-01-06
7376 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: pos argument for mget 2020-01-06
2606 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- modifying ftable to allow percentages (wishlist) 2020-01-06
4836 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- Wishlist: user-specified color names for palette() 2020-01-06
17683 R Language R-core UNCO --- [patch] add sanity checks to quantile() 2020-01-05
17605 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- <<- should not make new binding in .GlobalEnv 2020-01-05
15882 R Document R-core NEW --- [ requires a positional argument, not mentioned in docs 2019-12-22
17680 R Low-leve luke ASSI --- Warnings ignored after entering browser-context when options(warn=2) 2019-12-22
17678 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- rounding error in printCoefmat 2019-12-20
17676 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- vcov.lm should calculate vcov more directly for efficiency 2019-12-17
17675 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- support for MARGIN= in all mathematical operations on matrices 2019-12-17
16332 R Accuracy R-core ASSI --- pbeta(0.555555, 1925.74, 33.7179, log=TRUE) returns -Inf 2019-12-14
17505 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- glibc malloc doesn't release memory to the system 2019-12-12
17670 R Windows R-core NEW --- Variable names converted to local encoding without warning 2019-12-11
17640 R Models R-core UNCO --- predict.lm and offsets 2019-12-06
17664 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Provide a function getListElement like the one described in Writing R Extensions and/or clarify its terms of use. 2019-12-03
8192 R Wishlist R-core REOP --- [ subscripting sometimes loses names 2019-11-18
17549 R Installa R-core NEW --- When building a package, use inRbuildignore() before copying package contents to Tdir 2019-11-15
15388 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- print.object_size: units should default to "auto", not "b" 2019-11-12
17651 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- AIC() should accept list 2019-11-06
17639 R I/O R-core UNCO --- parse() doesn't honor unicode in NFD normalization 2019-10-24
15314 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- called on a directory causes a crash 2019-10-11
16275 R I/O R-core NEW --- read.fortran doesn't recognise D format 2019-10-10
15639 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- list.files(...,recursive=TRUE) fails on Mac GUI 2019-10-09
17621 R I/O R-core UNCO --- Improve User-Agent and HTTP header support in all download methods 2019-10-03
17612 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- C message function 2019-09-16
17608 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- should recursive package dependencies be checked in install.packages()? 2019-09-09
17597 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- cut.default: pass ... to formatC and add space in labels 2019-08-13
17587 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Check for ::: misses some usage, gives bad report for some other 2019-07-25
17585 R Language R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Deparsing of constructed calls 2019-07-24
15242 R S4method R-core NEW --- insertSource doesn't work against S4 methods 2019-05-14
15024 R Wishlist R-core NEW --- setRownames, setColnames and setDimnames functions 2019-05-14
15045 R Wishlist R-core ASSI --- Add support for R CMD check --level and env var _R_CHECK_LEVEL_ 2019-05-14
15017 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek ASSI --- Clicking preference pane causes seq fault that kills R 2019-05-14
17177 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: as.formula(<character>) not to eval arbitrarily 2019-04-21
17554 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- [Feature Request] make file.exists interruptible 2019-04-18
17327 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Wrong integer display because of use of %ld 2019-04-05
16135 R Analyses R-core ASSI --- error in: convolve( 1:5, 1, type='filter') 2019-04-02
17547 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Barplot data.frame method 2019-03-31
17543 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- available.packages attempts to parse 404 response to request for PACKAGES.gz 2019-03-21
17529 R Misc R-core UNCO --- Fun with -lrt 2019-02-07
17519 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- dt() function in stats - accuracy only 6 dp. 2019-01-14
17498 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- Wilcoxon two-sample test is not the same as the Mann-Whitney test 2018-11-07
17475 R Accuracy R-core UNCO --- lm.wfit issue with small weights 2018-09-22
17472 R Language R-core UNCO --- Make as.factor, as.ordered, and as.difftime S3 generics 2018-09-19
17446 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- abline draws partial line on log plots 2018-07-24
17420 R Misc R-core UNCO --- contrib.url restrict binaries url to currently running R version 2018-05-11
17400 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- 850x speedup with method="radix" for character vectors: default change please 2018-03-21
17382 R I/O R-core NEW --- Fail to read STDIN non-blocking-ly on Windows 2018-02-02
17376 R Windows R-core NEW --- R-3.4.3 adds to default install 2018-01-12
16919 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Makeconf sets BINPREF incorrectly when building packages from source 2018-01-05
17357 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Reflect propagation from integer to numeric in class attribute for length(class(obj)) > 1 2017-10-31
17331 R Document R-core UNCO --- Inappropriate implicit variable setting in ~/.R/Makevars macOS recommendation within R Installation and Administration Manual 2017-08-26
17303 R Wishlist R-core ASSI --- geterrmessage(), but ignoring LANG environment variable 2017-08-11
17309 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- GUI catching fault many times a day 2017-07-10
17296 R Windows R-core UNCO --- par ps keeps decrementing in Rgui graphics windows rescale="fit" after resizing 2017-06-24
17295 R Windows R-core UNCO --- RTerm console jumps when focus is lost 2017-06-24
17281 R Misc R-core NEW --- print.summaryDefault(): incorrect rounding on some Linux systems 2017-05-31
17278 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- non-consistent use of cex.axis in plot() 2017-05-26
17264 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- R_checkActivityEx() deadlock on OSX when running as a library 2017-05-03
17252 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- [Wishlist] Warn about non-matched named arguments to 'paste', 'paste0'? 2017-04-19
17239 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- Improve Handling of Integer and Floating Point Values in Exported DBFs 2017-04-19
17257 R Installa R-core UNCO --- Change R script on MacOS to reference the R framework version 2017-04-19
17238 R Add-ons R-core UNCO --- Incorrert NULL Handling in Write.DBF 2017-04-18
17259 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- TRE/POSIX regular expression doesn't match for somewhat higher values of upper bound 2017-04-18
17248 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- font fallback for Devices 2017-03-28
17122 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- mclapply drops warnings when options(warn=0) 2017-03-24
16975 R Models R-core ASSI --- lme fixed sigma - inconsistent REML estimation 2017-03-07
17220 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Optional ranges in chartr 2017-02-07
16283 R Language R-core REOP --- read.csv Incorrectly Assigns row.names when there is 1 too many columns 2017-01-18
17213 R System-s R-core UNCO --- [patch] detectCores() does not see multiple sockets on Linux 2017-01-17
17209 R Language R-core UNCO --- strptime, strftime and %OS symmetry 2017-01-14
17208 R Language R-core UNCO --- strptime, "%OS" and "." 2017-01-12
17196 R I/O R-core UNCO --- Output text connections are not writable in all cases 2016-12-23
17193 R Windows R-core UNCO --- Console is cleared when using progress bar 2016-12-14
17185 R Misc R-core UNCO --- utils::vignette does not recognize vignette names correctly if one name is the prefix of another 2016-12-05
17170 R Installa R-core UNCO --- R CMD build cannot build a tarball with implicit \Sexpr{} in the documentation if there are unmet dependencies 2016-10-25
16924 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: reduce additional time taken by 'table' over 'tabulate' 2016-09-12
17142 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- qpdf checks during R CMD check --as-cran 2016-09-07
17134 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Allow interaction via main loop 2016-08-20
16987 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- grid.cap() captures garbage data in last four rows 2016-07-19
16983 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- grid.cap captures incorrect colors 2016-07-18
16466 R Graphics R-core UNCO --- Add the tk_chooseColor widget to the tcltk package 2016-07-16
16982 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- new option to prettyNum() for big numbers 2016-07-13
16978 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Feature request: parallel::clusterApply: Add hook for tracking progress 2016-07-06
16937 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- GUI Locks up when changing windows 2016-06-04
16723 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- sink() text goes missing after mclapply 2016-06-03
16927 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- large mismatched data.frame creation provokes a crash 2016-05-29
16706 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek UNCO --- Interfacing with Finder on OS X 10.11 causes crashes 2016-05-18
16102 R Mac GUI simon.urbanek NEW --- Hangs on Open Dialogue 2016-05-10
16643 R Wishlist R-core UNCO --- Wishlist: Don't convert in 'writeChar' to fifo connection on Windows 2016-05-08
16898 R Models R-core UNCO --- aic() of gaussian & Gamma family are inconsistent 2016-05-07
16855 R Low-leve R-core UNCO --- Ignored after a first single-byte character on system that sizeof(whcar_t) return 2 with grep, [g]sub, [g]regexpr 2016-04-26
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
