
A Meeting on the Future of Statistical Computing

REvolution Rfoundation
R foundation
National Science Foundation
Statistical methods for complex
and high dimensional models

Program of Excellence,
University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen, July 13th & 14th 2009

Institute of Public Health

About the Workshop

The sixth international workshop on Directions in Statistical Computing (DSC 2009) will take place at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 13th-14th of July 2009. This conference follows on from the successful DSC 1999, 2001, and 2003 conferences at the Vienna University of Technology, DSC 2005 at the University of Washington in Seattle, and DSC 2007 at the University of Auckland. The workshop will focus on, but is not limited to, open source statistical computing and aims to provide a platform for exchanging ideas about developments in statistical computing (rather than 'only' the usage of statistical software for applications).


Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. The Institute houses among others the Department of Biostatistics and is located at the Center for Health and Society in the charming buildings of the former Municipal Hospital of Copenhagen, now part of the University City Campus.

Chr.Hansen Auditorium
CSS (Kommunehospitalet)
Øster Farimagsgade 5B

Organizing committee:

Peter Dalgaard, Claus Ekstrøm, Klaus K. Holst, Søren Højsgaard
<[email protected]>

Programme committee:

Roger Bivand, Göran Broström, Jari Oksanen, Balasubramanian Narasimhan (Naras), Peter Dalgaard

Registration and payment

Registration and payment is handled by the convention bureau. Payment can be done by credit card or bank transfer or (domestic only) electronic invoice. Use this link. (Notice that the registration procedure is separate from the abstract submission, so you may need to give your details twice.)

Abstract submission

It is expected that a large proportion of participants will bring a presentation. We particularly welcome contributions advancing statistical computing as an independent topic. You can submit your abstract via this link.

Important dates

Submission deadlineMarch 15th 2009
Notification of accept/rejectApril 15th 2009
Early registrationMay 15th 2009
Regular registration endsJuly 5th 2009


Early 1275 2025 675
Full 1500 2250 750
On the Day (July 6th and later) 1650 2475 825

All prices are in danish kroner (DKK). "Students" does not include Ph.D. students.


National Science Foundation support may be available to support travel and accommodation for graduate students and junior faculty at U.S. post-secondary institutions to attend the UseR 2009! and/or DSC 2009 meetings. The allocation will be based on merit and need; women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.  NSF regulations require the use of US carriers when at all possible.

If you wish to apply for this financial support, please send an application to Luke Tierney ([email protected]) by April 15, 2009. Include a brief CV, a copy of your abstract if you have submitted a paper or a poster, and a statement that demonstrates your eligibility, your need for support, and an amount of support required. Students should include a letter of support from their supervisor.

General Information

Information (from the convention bureau) about hotels, visa rules, terms and conditions for payment and registration, and various practicalities can be found here.


Hotel reservation is part of the registration procedure. The hotels are well within walking distance from the conference venue.


Weather in Copenhagen in July has a mean just below 20 degrees C, but with a standard deviation of about 2.5 degrees C. In other words, it is rather unpredictable. When the weather is good, it is extremely beautiful with long summer evenings, but it might also rain for days on end.


To the venue

There is a direct metro line from the airport to Nørreport station. This is about 5 minutes walk away from the venue and also near most of the relevant hotels. If you are staying at the Cabinn hotel, the next stop, "Forum", is closer. There are also connections by S-train from the Central Station.

Directions via google maps.

Connection from Rennes to Copenhagen

The sensible way to get from useR! 2009 to Copenhagen seems to be to take the TGV to Paris (CDG) and a plane from there to Copenhagen Airport (CPH). This is about a 2 hour flight.

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Last modified: Fri Apr 24 14:25:38 CEST 2009