A Meeting on the Future of Statistical Computing

About the Workshop

The second international workshop on `Distributed Statistical Computing' (DSC 2001) will take place at the Technische Universität Wien in Vienna, Austria from 2001-03-15 to 2001-03-17. This workshop will deal with future directions in statistical computing, such as event-driven software, graphical user interfaces, large and varied databases, reusable components, high-level object-oriented interfaces, and data exchange using XML. Particular emphasis will be  given to the R and Omegahat projects. DSC 2001 builds on the spirit and success of DSC 1999, which was seminal to the further development of the R and Omegahat projects.

Date & Location

March 15-17, 2001
Vienna University of Technology

Chair: Kurt Hornik & Friedrich Leisch
Local organization: Achim Zeileis, Alexandros Karatzoglou, David Meyer, Evgenia Dimitriadou , Andreas Weingessel
There will be a two-day extension, on 2001-03-18 and 2001-03-19, focusing on the future of the R project. Most members of the R Core Development Team will participate in this extension, which is open to everyone else interested.


Deadline for registration is 2001-03-09. There will be a conference fee of EUR 50 (ATS 700 to be paid in Vienna at the conference).

Call for Papers

We invite papers on topics related to statistical computing. Deadline for submission of papers is 2001-02-16. Please use the DSC-2001 style files (available in zip or tar.gz) for paper submission. A length of 7-10 pages is recommended. Papers can be submitted via e-mail at: [email protected].


We suggest 3 Hotels near to the conference place where we got a special price. Just mention the "codeword": DSC-2001 at the reservation. Just have a look at the map to see their location.

Hotel Kaiserhof (****)
Frankenberggasse 10
A-1040 Wien
Tel: ++43/1/505 17 01
FAX: ++43/1/505 88 75 88
email: [email protected]
www: www.hotel-kaiserhof.at
single room: 69 EURO
double room: 102 EURO

Hotel Schneider (****)
Getreidemarkt 5
A-1040 Wien
Tel: ++43/1/588 38-0
email: [email protected]
www: www.best-of-austria.com/ho tel/schneider
single room: 64 EURO
double room: 102 EURO

Hotel 3 Kronen (***)
Schleifmühlgasse 25
A-1040 Wien
Tel: ++43/1/587 32 89-0
email: [email protected]
www: www.hotel3kronen.at
single room: 47 EURO
double room: 62 EURO

About Vienna

Vienna is one of the premier destinations fo city tourism. We have put together a list of culturall events given during the conference days along with some sight seeing information. We have also compiled a list of restaurants close to the conference location.

How to get from the airport to the city

From Vienna International Airport there is a shuttle transfer to the City Air Terminal at "Landstraße (Wien Mitte)". From there it is just two stops with the underground line U4 (direction "Hütteldorf") to the Karlsplatz, where the University of Technology is situated. Click here to see an underground map and a map of the area around the Karlsplatz with the hotels.

Please contact the organizing committee at [email protected] for further information.

Alexandros.Karatzoglou@ci. tuwien.ac.at

Last modified: Tuesday 06 March, 2001 by Alexandros Karatzoglou