There are two main development branches for R. For reference, we call r-devel, and r-patched.
After the release of R-x.y.z the two versions work towards
Version Name Tag ----------------------------------------- R-x.(y+1).0 r-devel [none] R-x.y.(z+1) r-patched R-x-y-patchesThe "Tag" column refers to CVS branch tags. The logic is that patch releases (R-x.y.z, z!=0) are made from the branch tagged "R-x-y-patches", whereas normal releases (R-x.y.0) are made from the from the "trunk" i.e. the untagged files.
In what follows, I use the reference names also as directory names. All developers are encouraged to use the same names, to provide us with a common reference.
(By a development branch, I mean either the trunk or a version marked by a CVS branch tag)
First set the CVSROOT environment variable and make sure it is
For sh variants, use
export CVSROOT
For csh and derivatives, use
setenv CVSROOT
If your username on franz aka is not the same as your local user name you need to add it to CVSROOT, eg setenv CVSROOT [email protected]:/home/rdevel/CVS-ARCHIVE
Also make sure that you have CVS_RSH set to ssh. I shall assume the bash shell in the following, for simplicity, and create the three development directories under $RTOP.
export RTOP=~/R-devel #adjust as necessary
mkdir -p $RTOP/r-devel cd $RTOP/r-devel cvs co -P R
The -P option prunes empty directories. The checked out directory will be called "R". Use the -d option to call it something else.
mkdir -p $RTOP/r-patched cd $RTOP/r-patched cvs co -P -r R-1-9-patches R
cvs co -P -r R-1-2-3 R
Notice however, that these tags are not branch tags, you cannot change a released version and commit the changes back.
cvs up -Pd
If you want to make completely sure that the files come from a given branch, add (say) -r R-1-9-patches . I am unsure whether (and when) this is actually needed; there seems have been a case where a new directory got added from the wrong branch.
If you are on a slow connection, it generally works to take one revision and convert it to another tagged revision by using e.g.
cvs up -Pd -r R-1-9-patches
To create the trunk revision from a branch revision, use
cvs up -PdA
Notice, however, that CVS is capable of getting things wrong, notably if interrupted in the middle of an update. This can lead to an infinite loop condition when updating. If that happens, I know no remedy other that doing a fresh checkout instead.
or just
cvs commit
in which case you'll be asked for a change comment.
Notice that commits only works on the trunk and on branch revisions. Non-branch tags represent the status of the files at a given instance in the past which is unchangeable by definition.
# assumes that "last-patch-update" is set correctly export RTOP=~/R-devel #adjust as necessary export TAG=R-1-9-patches cd $RTOP/r-devel/R cvs rtag -F -r $TAG patch-update R cvs update -Pd cvs update -Pd -j last-patch-update -j patch-update find -type f | xargs grep '>>>>>>>' # fix conflicts... cvs commit -m 'branch update' # better do this right away... cvs rtag -F -r patch-update last-patch-update R
FILES="src/main/unique.c NEWS" #change to your liking PATCH=~/R-devel/r-patched/R #ditto DEVEL=~/R-devel/r-devel/R #ditto # fix and commit to r-patched as usual, e.g. cd $PATCH cvs up vi $FILES #---------- # TEST your CHANGES #--------- cvs commit $FILES # Note: Use cvs tag (not rtag) just in case someone commited a change # in the meantime cvs tag -F patch-update $FILES cd $DEVEL cvs update -j last-patch-update -j patch-update $FILES grep '>>>>>>>' $FILES #------------ # FIX CONFLICTS (if any) # This technique is often helpful, although you need to be aware that # ediff occasionally makes conflicts more complicated rather than # less... # # emacs-f vc-resolve-conflicts #------------ cvs commit -m 'branch update' $FILES cvs tag -F -r patch-update last-patch-update $FILES
MAJOR=1 MINOR=9 PL=0 NEWMAJOR=2 NEWMINOR=0 TAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-$PL BRANCHTAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-patches REL=R-$MAJOR.$MINOR.0 OREL=R-1.8.1 echo -e "TAG=$TAG\nREL=$REL\nOREL=$OREL" export CVSROOT=/home/rdevel/CVS-ARCHIVE cd ~/r-devel rm -rf R BUILD cvs checkout -P R #-- set/check version number and release status: cd R tools/rsync-recommended echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL > VERSION autoconf mkdir ../BUILD cd ../BUILD # FIXME: this'll build against Tcl 8.0 on Franz and so might # break future versions ../R/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix ~/$REL make && make check && make check-devel && make check-all cd ~/r-devel/R cvs update -Pd # watch out for merges! cvs commit -m 'preparing for release' #---- at specified time: cd ~/r-devel/R cvs update -Pd # watch out for last minute merges - # make check again if necessary! cvs rtag $TAG R cvs rtag -b -r $TAG $BRANCHTAG R cd ~ rm -rf r-patched mkdir r-patched cd r-patched cvs checkout -P -r $BRANCHTAG R cd ~/r-devel/BUILD make dist cp $REL.tar.gz $FTPDIR/$REL.tgz cd ../R cp README INSTALL RESOURCES NEWS Y2K $FTPDIR cd $FTPDIR split -b 1400k $REL.tgz $REL.tgz-split. ln -sf $REL.tgz R-latest.tgz # -- set release numbers on release and devel. versions cd ~/r-devel/R echo $NEWMAJOR.$NEWMINOR.0 "Under development (unstable)" > VERSION cvs commit -m 'prepare for next version' VERSION cd ~/r-patched/R echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.0 "Patched" > VERSION cvs commit -m 'prepare for next version' VERSION # Don't forget this or branch updates run amok! cvs rtag -F -r $BRANCHTAG last-patch-update R # Finally, update the developer homepage with new version info # Make announcement on R-announce # ------------ All done --------------
# Exec the following and check carefully: MAJOR=1 MINOR=9 PL=1 OPL=$[PL-1] VERSION=$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL OVERSION=$MAJOR.$MINOR.$OPL TAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-$PL REL=R-$VERSION OREL=R-$OVERSION DIFF=R-$OVERSION-$VERSION.diff echo -e "TAG=$TAG\nREL=$REL\nDIFF=$DIFF" FTPDIR=/var/rsync/cran/src/base/ # go to the patched directory cd ~/r-patched rm -rf BUILD R cvs -d ~rdevel/CVS-ARCHIVE checkout -Pr R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-patches R cd R tools/rsync-recommended #-- set/check version number and release status echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL > VERSION autoconf mkdir ~/r-patched/BUILD cd ~/r-patched/BUILD (../R/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix ~/$REL \ --with-tcl-config=/usr/lib/tcl8.4/ \ --with-tk-config=/usr/lib/tk8.4/ make && make check-all) | tee make.log cd ~/r-patched/R cvs update -Pd cvs commit -m "prepare for release $REL" #---- at specified time: cvs update -Pd # watch out for last minute merges - make check if necessary! cd ~/r-patched/R cvs tag $TAG cd ~/r-patched/BUILD make dist cp $REL.tar.gz $FTPDIR/$REL.tgz cd ../R cp README INSTALL RESOURCES NEWS Y2K $FTPDIR cd $FTPDIR split -b 1400k $REL.tgz $REL.tgz-split. ln -sf $REL.tgz R-latest.tgz #---- Setup for patch tree cd ~/r-patched/R echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL Patched > VERSION cvs commit -m "setup for patched versions" # Finally, # Update the developer homepage with new version info # Make announcement on R-announce # ------------ All done --------------Handling experimental branches
Suppose you want to have a branch to hold your volatile changes, let's say R-Tk. (A) Creating the branch ===================
export CVSROOT cvs rtag -b R-Tk R mkdir r-experimental cd r-experimental cvs checkout -P -r R-Tk R cvs rtag -r R-Tk R-Tk-update-last R (B) Hacking on the branch ===================== Just like on the release branch: cvs update -Pd -r R-Tk #..hack, hack, hack.... cvs commit -m'hacked blah' (C) Updating from r-devel (aka "main trunk") ======================================== cvs rtag -F R-Tk-update R cvs update -Pd -j R-Tk-update-last -j R-Tk-update # resolve conflicts if any cvs commit -m 'merged from main' cvs rtag -F -r R-Tk-update R-Tk-update-last R (D) Merging the hack back into r-devel ================================== cd ~/r-devel/R cvs update -Pd -j R-Tk # resolve conflicts if any cvs commit -m'merged with Tk branch'